The series Genius (original title Genius), produced by National Geographic, is an anthology series that explores the lives of the greatest minds in history. Each season covers a different historical figure, with the first season focusing on the life of Albert Einstein, and later seasons covering figures like Pablo Picasso and Aretha Franklin.
Regarding Episodul 14 of Genius subtitrat în română, it is important to note that Romanian fans of the show can often find the episodes subtitled in Romanian through various streaming platforms, local TV broadcasts, or online subtitle sites. However, to access such content legally, it’s best to use official streaming services like Disney+ or any other licensed platform where Genius is available, as they often provide options for subtitles in various languages, including Romanian.
If you are looking for specific details about Episodul 11 of the Genius series, I can summarize its content. Season 1 of Genius focuses on Albert Einstein’s life, detailing his journey from his early years to his revolutionary contributions to physics. By episode 11, the series often explores the later stages of Einstein’s life and career, including his time in the United States and the personal struggles he faced.